Thursday, October 21, 2010

Playing with CS5

Never have been for one to just sketch on Photoshop.  One of the reasons why I never really did, was due to my owning Photoshop 7.0 which distorted a lot of my lines, causing me to zoom in at, like, 500% before I could make a halfway decent line.  Bought Sai Painter, but it's really only good for smooth line art work.  Recently acquired Photoshop CS5, which is like 5-6 upgrades from 7.0.  OMG, I can't stop playing with it.  believe it or not, did these drawings at 100% zoom.  Never worked with a program that good before, so it's pretty confirmed that I'm hooked and do NOT wanna go back to 7.0 if I can help it.  Decided to tackle some random stuff tonight.  Pretty different than my usual cartoony style, which I like.... because I tried something new tonight, which is the goal of this whole blog thing to begin with!


  1. Ha! These look awesome Jenner ;]

    I tell ya, going from CS2 at home, to 3.0 at school is like asking me shave my head. I don't waaaant tooooo...
